Privacy Policy

  • 1. What we do?

    Beach Pharmacy – Jellyfish Beach Kit (Ausserdorfstrasse 12 F, CH-8052 Zurich / Switzerland) operates the website (referred to in the following as “we”). Through this website, you can access information about our organisation, use our online services, and contact us.
    The protection of your personal data is very important to us. In this privacy policy, we aim to inform you in a transparent and clear manner about what data we collect through our website and how we handle it. To assist in this, we utilise the icons of the PRIVACY ICONS association which are designed to help you quickly understand how we process your data.
  • 2. What we inform you about?

    • The data collected on;
    • The conditions under which we process your data and the purposes for doing so;
    • How long we store your data;
    • The circumstances under which disclosure to third parties is permissible;
    • How we process your data (“individual data processing operations”);
    • When and how you can object to data processing;
    • Your rights and how you can exercise them.

  • 3. Definitions of Terms

    3.1 Personal data
    Personal data refers to any information relating to a specific or identifiable natural person. This includes, for example, name, address, date of birth, email address and telephone number, as well as data concerning personal preferences such as hobbies or memberships.
    3.2 Particularly sensitive personal data
    Particularly sensitive personal data includes information regarding religious, ideological, political or trade union views or activities; data concerning health and, where relevant, details about administrative or criminal proceedings and sanctions, as well as data regarding social assistance measures. If necessary and appropriate, we may collect and process particularly sensitive personal data, subject to stricter confidentiality requirements.
    3.3 Processing of personal data
    Processing encompasses any operation or set of operations performed on personal data, irrespective of the methods used, including collecting, storing, retaining, using, modifying, disclosing, archiving, deleting or destroying data.
    3.4 Disclosure of personal data
    Disclosure refers to transmitting or making personal data accessible, such as publishing or revealing it to a third party.

  • 4. How to contact us

    If you have any questions or concerns about how we protect your data, you can contact us at any time by email at Responsible for the data processing carried out through this website is:
    MFKey GmbH
    Ausserdorfstrasse 12 F
    CH-8052 Zürich
  • 5. Does our privacy policy always remain the same?

    This privacy policy is subject to change at any time. The changes will be published on; you will not be notified separately.
  • 6. General Principles

    6.1 Data collection and third-party information

    Primarily, we process personal data that you provide to us or that we collect during the operation of our website. Additionally, we may obtain personal data about you from third parties. The categories may include:

    • Personal details (name, address, date of birth, etc.);
    • Contact details (mobile number, email address, etc.);
    • Financial data (e.g., account details);
    • Online identifiers (e.g., cookie identifiers, IP addresses).

    6.2 Conditions for processing your data

    We process your data in good faith and in accordance with the purposes outlined in this privacy policy, ensuring transparent and proportionate processing.
    If, in exceptional circumstances,  we are unable to adhere to these principles, data processing may still be lawful if justified. Justification may arise from:

    • Your consent;
    • Execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures;
    • Our legitimate interests, provided your interests do not outweigh them.

    6.3 Withdrawing your consent

    If you have consented to the processing of your personal data for specific purposes, we will process your data within the scope of this consent unless another justification applies.
    You can withdraw your consent at any time by sending an email to the address provided in the legal notice. Previously conducted data processing is not affected by the withdrawal.

    6.4 Sharinge your data with third parties

    a. General Principle
    We may engage third-party services or affiliated companies to process your data (processors). Categories of recipients include:

    • Accounting, fiduciary and auditing companies;
    • Consultancy agencies (legal advice, taxes, etc.);
    • IT service providers (web hosting, support, cloud services, website design, etc.);
    • Payment service providers;
    • Providers of tracking, conversion and advertising services.

    We ensure that these third parties and our affiliated companies comply with data protection requirements and treat your personal data confidentially.
    In some cases, we may also be required to disclose your personal data to authorities.
    b. Disclosure to Partners and Cooperating Companies
    We sometimes collaborate with different companies and partners who post their offers on our website. These are clearly identified as third-party offers (marked as “advertisement”).
    If you take advantage of such an offer, we will transmit your personal data to the respective partner or cooperating company (e.g., name, function, contact details, etc.) whose offer you wish to use. These partners and cooperating companies are solely responsible for the personal data they receive. After the data transfer, the data protection policies of the respective partners apply.
    c. Visiting Our Social Media Channels
    We have embedded links to our social media channels on our websitetypically indicated by correspondingicons. Clicking on these icons will redirect you to our social media channels.
    When you access their platforms from our website, the social media providers are notifiedThey may use the data collected for their own purposes. Please note that we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by the providers.
    d. International Data Transfers
    In some cases, your personal data may be transferred to international companies during order processing. These companies must adhere to data protection obligations equivalent to ours. Such transfers may take place worldwide.
    If the level of data protection does not match that of Switzerland, we conduct a prior risk assessment and ensure equivalent protection through contractual agreements, such as the EU Commission’s new standard contractual clauses or other legal measuresIn the event of a negative risk assessment, we implement additional technical safeguards. You can access the EU Commission’s standard contractual clauses via the following link.

    6.5 How long we store your data

    We store personal data only as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected.
    Data that we we collect when you visit our website is stored for 12 months. However, analysis and tracking datamay be retained for a longer period.
    We store contract-related data for an extended period as required by law. Specifically, we must retain business communications, concluded contracts and accounting records for up to 10 years. If we no longer require such data from you to provide the service it will be blocked and used solely for accounting and tax purposes.

    6.6 How we protect your data

    We will store your data securely and take all reasonable measures to protect your data from loss, access, misuse or alteration.
    Our contractual partners and employees with access to your data must comply with data protection regulations. On occasion, we may need to share your enquiries with our affiliated companies, in which case your data will also be treated confidentially.
    To ensure security on our website, we use the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol in conjunction with the highest encryption level supported by your browser.

    6.8 Your Rights

    a. Right of Access
    You may request information about the data we have stored about you at any time. Please send your information request together with proof of identity to
    You also have the right to receive your data in a common file format if we process your data automatically and if:

    • You have consented tothe processing of this data; or
    • You have provided the data in connection with the conclusion or execution of a contract.

    We may restrict or deny access to the information or data release if it conflicts with our legal obligations, legitimate own or public interests or the interests of a third party.
    Your request will be processed within the legal processing period of 30 days. However, we may extend this period due to a high volume of requests, for legal or technical reasons, or because we need more information from you. You will be notified of the extension promptly and in writing.
    b. Erasure and Rectification 
    You have the right to request the erasure or rectification of your data at any time. We may deny the request if statutory provisions oblige us to store the data for a longer period or to store it unchanged, or if there is a legal basis opposing your request.
    Please note that exercising your rights may conflict with contractual agreements, potentially affecting the contract execution (e.g., early contract termination financial implications).
    c. Legal Recourse
    If you are affected by the processing of personal data, you have the right to pursue legal action or file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. In Switzerland, the competent supervisory authority is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner:

  • 7. Individual Data Processing Operations

    7.1 Provision of the Website and Creation of Log Files

    What information do we collect and how do we utilise it?
    When you visit, certain data is automatically stored on our servers or on servers of services and products we utilise for system administration, statistical analysis, backup or tracking purposes. This includes:

    • The name of your internet service provider;
    • Your IP address (under certain circumstances);
    • The version of your browser software;
    • The operating system of the computer used to access the URL;
    • The date and time of access;
    • The website from which you accessed the URL;
    • The search terms you used to find the URL.

     Why are we allowed to process this data?
    This data cannot be assigned to a specific individual and is not combined with other data sources. The log files are stored to ensure the functionality of the website and the security of our IT systems, whichconstitutes our legitimate interest.

    How can you prevent data collection?
    The data is stored only for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected and is deleted at the end of each session. The storage of log files is essential for the operation of the website, you therefore have no option to object.

    7.2 Web Beacons

    How do web beacons work?
    We may use web beacons – also known as tracking pixels – on our website. Web beacons, including those from third parties whose services we use, are small, typically invisible images that are automatically loaded when you visit our website They can collect the same information as server log files and serve the same purposesyou cannot opt out of this data collection.

    7.3 Evaluations

    Your personal data may be automatically processed to evaluate certain personal aspects.
    We use such evaluations to provide you with targeted information and recommendations in connection with our services or products. To this end, we use evaluation tools  that facilitate needs-based communication and enable us to implement suitable advertising strategies, including market and opinion research.

    7.4 Contact

    Contact Form

    What information do we collect and how is it utilised?
    When you use the electronic contact form on our website the data you enter in the input mask, such as your name and email address, is transmitted to us and stored.
    The data you provide is used to process your enquiry.

    Why are we allowed to process this data?
    The justification is the performance of pre-contractual measures and our legitimate interest in processing your request.

    What information do we collect and how it is it utilised?
    You have the option to contact us via email. If you do, the following data will be processed:

    • Email address;
    • Content, subject and date of your email;
    • Contact details you provide (e.g., name, phone number, address).

    Why are we allowed to process this data?
    We store your information for the purpose of processing your enquiryand in the event of follow-up questions. The justification is pre-contractual measures or our legitimate interest in processing your request.

    Security Notice
    Please note that emails can be read or altered without authorisation or detection during transmission. Emails may be rejected by the spam filter if they are identified as spam.

    7.5 Success and Reach Measurement

    How does success and reach measurement work?
    Our notifications and communications may contain web links or tracking pixels that record whether an individual message has been opened and which web links have been clicked on. These web links and tracking pixels can also record the usage of notifications and communications on a personalised basis.

    Why are we allowed to process this data?
    We need this statistical recording of usage to measure success and reachto enable us to provide notifications and communications in an effective, user-friendly, permanent, secure, and reliable manner, based on recipients’ needs and reading habits.

    7.6 Cookies

    How do cookies work?
    Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small data files that are stored on your device’s operating system via the browser when you visit our website. Cookies do not cause damage to your computer and do not contain viruses.

    What information do we collect and how it is it utilised?
    Most of the cookies we use are so-called “session cookies.” They are automatically deleted after your visit. Other cookies remain on your device until you delete them. These cookies allow us to recognise your browser on subsequent visits, allowing us to save certain settings (such as language settings or location data) so that you do not have to re-enter them

    Why are we allowed to use cookies?
    We utilise cookies to enhance the user friendliness, efficiency and security of our website. The use of cookies and the processing of your data in this regard are justified byn our legitimate interest in these objectives.

    How can you prevent data collection via cookies?
    Cookies are stored on your computer, giving you full control over the use. You can deletedeactivate or restrict their transmission by adjusting the settings in your browser. However, if you disable cookies for our website, you may no longer have access to its full functionality.

    7.7 reCAPTCHA

    We use Google reCAPTCHA on our website, a service provided by Google Ireland Ltd., Google Building Gordon House, Barrow St, Dublin 4, Ireland, with headquarters at Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, collectively referred to as “Google.”

    What data do we process?
    Google reCAPTCHA is a verification service for websites to distinguish human users from bots. Specifically, the following information may be collected:

    • IP address
    • Technical information such as browser, operating system or screen resolution
    • Interactions with the CAPTCHA

    The IP address is anonymised by Google reCAPTCHA so that it is no longer possible to associate it with a specific indivisual. When a visitor first visits our website, Google reCAPTCHA can generate an identifier to recognise the visitor on a subsequent visit.

    For what purpose do we process the data?
    The IP address is processed to analyse the visitor’s approximate location and to prevent potentially suspicious activity, such as detecting IP addresses associated with spam or other unwanted behaviour. Technical information is processed to adapt the CAPTCHA to the device or browser and to detect deviations from normal usage behaviour. Interactions with the CAPTCHA are processed to record behaviour patterns in order to distinguish human behaviour from automated bots. The aim of Google reCAPTCHA is to protect input masks from bots and spam while allowing reliable input from humans. The data collected is not used to identify you personally.

    Who do we share the data with?
    We share data in line with our statements on data sharing. As Google is a transnational company, your data may be transferred by Google worldwide. Specifically, it may be transferred to Google’s headquarters in the USA, a country where the legislation does not ensure adequate data protection.

    7.8 PrivacyBee


    We use PrivacyBee on our website, a service provided by PrivacyBee AG, Laupenstrasse 1, 3008 Bern, Switzerland. PrivacyBee is used to recognise all services relevant to data protection and to generate an individual privacy policy for the website.

    What data do we process?

  • Jellyfish Emergency Kit

    Beach Pharmacy

